Title: | 建立液晶薄膜顯示器製造業環境績效指標之研究 Establishment of Environmental Performance Index for |
Authors: | 李唐 Tang Lee 白曛綾 Hsunling Bai 工學院永續環境科技學程 |
Keywords: | TFT-LCD製造業;排放量;溫室氣體管制法;環境績效指標;TFT-LCD industry;Emission quantities;Greenhouse gas Control Regulations;Environmental Performance |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 「溫室氣體管制法」草案業已於95年9月20日行政院院會審查通過,加上正進行中的立法院審議目標,很明確未來減量要求和排放交易制度時代已來臨、「光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染及排放標準」業已於民國95年1月5日公佈,明訂處理效率和監測設施裝設之要求,且國際之ISO 14000環境管理系統已被國內許多製造工廠納入管理制度中,然而至今各界對於TFT-LCD製造業所排放之污染量和能資源耗用之相關指標並無深入之瞭解,因此本研究主要目的乃藉由ISO 14031環境績效評估的程序,建立TFT-LCD業環境績效指標之研究,比較各世代指標變化和試著求出其指標趨勢合理範圍,以有效管制能資源耗用和新建世代廠時之合理預估。本研究選定六項指標(耗水、耗電、耗能熱值、廢棄物產生量、CO2排放當量與無機酸排放指標)進行資料匯整、計算、統計後,求得各環境績效指標之數值,並瞭解各世代指標之趨勢。
研究結果指出,由選定之六項指標得到不論是耗水、耗電、耗能熱值、CO2產生量和廢棄物產生量,皆隨世代增長指標呈下降趨勢,且同樣世代下之指標將隨年度增長而下降。而無機酸排放指標因受限資料筆數,應可持續進行檢測,原物料使用因涉及製程改變、使用替代化學品而分成幾種類型趨勢,需更多時間和資料來驗證。 Ever since the promulgation of several environmental laws or regulations as well as the enforcement of ISO 14000 Environmental Management System, factories in Taiwan has increased its concern on the environmental issues. However, there is still limited information on the emission quantities of the pollutant and the usage of energy resource for new industries such as the TFT-LCD industry. In this research, the Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) was established according to the ISO14031 Environmental Performance Evaluation for TFT-LCD industry. A total of six EPIs were selected and their values were calculated by generation so that the trend of each EPI can be applied for effectively control the usage of utilities and resources and the emission of pollutants for new generation plant. The six EPIs include water consumption, electricity and energy consumption, waste production, CO2 equivalent emission, waste acid gas emission and raw materials usage indicators. The results showed that water, electricity, energy consumption, CO2 equivalent emission and waste production are decreased as the TFT-LCD fabs step into a newer generation. For the same generation fab, its utility consumption and waste production is also decreased by year. This means that the TFT-LCD industry is toward a better environmental performance. However, the inorganic acid gas emission and raw materials index have no clear trend so far and they require more data to be clarified in the future. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/80308 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |