Title: IC設計產業導入全球運籌管理平台之研究
Design a Global Logistics Management Platform For IC Design Industry
Authors: 阮慈雀
Tzu-Chueh, Juan
Ruey-Shun, Chen
Keywords: 全球運籌管理;IC設計;內容管理;資訊交換;Global Logistics Management;IC Design;Content Management;Information exchange
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 當區域經濟興起及全球貿易高度競爭的環境下,企業如何在高度透明的情況下即時從物流協力廠商手中取得全程的物流相關資訊,左右著企業主是否能充份掌握全球物流的實際狀況。全球物流佈局已成為繼供應鏈管理之後必須深入探討的課題,企業如何從中截取資訊以提升在全球供應鏈市場的附加價值,是探討重點。 針對IC設計業提出的全球運籌管理平台架構(G.L.M.P.),並進行實務開發。以生產消費性電子產品IC設計公司為研究對象,研究的重點如下︰(1)利用資訊交換技術將物流資訊及文件傳遞在全球物流鏈之間,減少作業成本;(2)即時貨況追蹤,了解在途貨物所在地點,全程掌控;(3)透過內容管理,利用Java技術提供查詢資料文件及界面;(4)電子帳單系統,自動計價及比對帳單,減少人力作業及時間成本。 主要成果是利用Web base的資訊交換技術,建立以一個IC設計公司為例的全球運籌管理平台,此平台可協助企業主得到即時物流資訊、降低物流作業成本、對客戶提供預先出貨通知增加客戶之滿意度。而個案亦可藉由此系統獲得在途貨況資訊以作為臨時貨況調渡之支援,準備好IC設計公司為因應全球競爭應必備的應變能力。
When the arising of area economy markets and in the high competitive global trade environment, the enterprises how to acquire the global logistics information from logistics provider vender distinctly, is represent they can control the global logistics or not.Following the supply chain management, the issue of Global logistics deployment should be considered and researched. The enterprises how to acquire information from global logistics and enhance additional value in global supply chain markets, is the key-point in this paper. The thesis is integrates the collaborative business platform framework into this study and provide a global logistics management platform (GLMP) framework for IC design industry. The object of this research is an IC design enterprise that produces digital goods. The point of the thesis is:(1) Transfer logistics information and e-document by information exchange technology during the global logistics chain to reduce operation cost. (2) Provide real-time cargo tracking function for monitor logistics cargo information on global logistics chain. (3) Provide a user interface for query e-document and logistics information by java technology and content management. (4) Provide a e-billing system. Automatic account and compare bill to reduce human cost and time cost. The result in this thesis used web-based information exchange technology to build a GLMP for an IC design company. The platform helps the company to get real-time logistics information, reduce the logistics operations cost, and provides import forecast service to customer for enhance the customer fulfillment.In the case of this thesis, the enterprise will obtain cargo information from GLMP when they need emergency dispatch operation for deals with a contingency or emergency in the competitive situation of globalization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis