标题: 渐变式光纤元件之模拟
Simulation of Adiabatic Fiber Devices
作者: 潘世凯
Pan Shih-Kai
Yinchieh Lai
关键字: 有限差分光束传播法;渐变式光纤元件;FD-BPM;Adiabatic Fiber Devices;Null Coupler;OADM
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 在本论文中我们想要瞭解渐变式光纤元件的特性并利用3D Full-Vectorial Beam Propagation Method来模拟光在元件中传播情形。渐变式光纤元件是一种新型、可应用在光纤通讯中作为WDM的OADM元件,优点是全光纤、低损耗、结构简单、不需额外光学元件、花费低、驱动功率小。
In the thesis we want to know the characteristics of an adiabatic fiber device. 3D full-vectorial beam propagation method is used to simulate lights propagating in the device. Adiabatic fiber device is a new kind of devices which can be applied as an optial add-drop multiplexer (OADM) of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in fiber communications. The advantages of the device are all-fiber, low loss, simple structure without extra components, low cost, low driving power.


  1. 450201.pdf
  2. 450202.pdf
  3. 450203.pdf

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