标题: | 利用掺杂之硒化镓晶体产生兆赫波之研究 Study of Terahertz Generation Processes in Doped Gase Crystals |
作者: | 罗志伟 Luo Chih-Wei 国立交通大学电子物理学系(所) |
关键字: | 兆赫波;非线性光学晶体;硒化镓晶体;差频产生;偶极天线;超快动力学;THz;nonlinear optical crystals;GaSe crystals;difference frequencygeneration;dipole antenna;ultrafast dynamics |
公开日期: | 2007 |
摘要: | 本计画将寻找适当的元素掺杂于非线性半导体硒化镓晶体中,以提高 其产生兆赫波之效率。近来已有研究群利用硒化镓晶体产生一可调波长之 兆赫波幅射。也因为此种晶体在兆赫波波段吸收率较低,所以在众多非线 性光学晶体中最被看好的材料之一。不过其本身的均匀度及光学透明度, 却成为产生高功率兆赫波幅射之限制。一般来说,利用差频产生兆赫波的 方法中,增加晶体厚度应该可增加兆赫波的辐射功率。但到目前为止,实 验上并未观察到此现象。因此,透过离子半径较大元素的掺杂来增加其极 化率或均匀度以提高兆赫波的辐射功率。另外,利用偶极天线的结构来产 生兆赫波幅射,同样透过不同元素的掺杂,也可增加其电阻率及载子之迁 移率以提高兆赫波的辐射效率,同时更可研究其载子之动力学性质。所以, 不管利用何种方式产生兆赫波辐射,本计划的目标在透过不同元素之掺 杂,同时配合寻找稳定的长晶条件,以得到一具有高均匀度、高机械强度、 高透光率、高电阻率等特性之高品质非线性半导体硒化镓晶体,进而实现 高功率及波长可调之兆赫波幅射光源。最后,将利用此兆赫波幅射进行高 温超导体、多铁锰氧化物、磁性半导体或半导体量子点之超快动力学研究。 This proposal is intended to find a new doping element in nonlinear optical semiconducting crystals, GaSe, for high efficiency terahertz (THz) generation. GaSe crystals which will be the main subject of the research within this proposal are among the most prospective IR-range crystals. In last years the possibility to create tunable terahertz generation sources on its base was demonstrated by experiments. GaSe possesses the lowest absorption in the terahertz range among known nonlinear crystals. Therefore the crystals are prospective for THz generation by nonlinear-optical conversions (difference frequency generation, DFG). On the other hand, the efficiency of conversion and the power of output radiation are limited by crystal properties such as optical transparency and homogeneity. In particular at DFG the increasing crystal length must give higher conversion efficiency that is not observed in real experiments. The answer should be given what limits the possibilities of the crystals and whether it is possible to improve them, for example by introducing chemical elements with bigger atomic radius and higher polarizability. The second method to generate THz is employing of dipole antenna scheme. For enhancement of efficiency of such devices it is necessary to use materials with high resistance and carrier mobility. Electrical transport properties of GaSe can be considerably modified by doping and it looks reasonable to investigate dipole antennas based on doped crystals, which also should give information on their electronic properties. Within this proposal it is planed to find conditions of growth of large homogeneous GaSe crystals with lower absorption in THz region and investigation of possibilities to enhance their characteristics by the way of their doping for creation on their base of optical elements for THz range generators and frequency converters. In particular the problem is to reveal the mechanisms determining the optical transparency of nonlinear optical crystals in the specified range. The task is to develop scientifically based and stable schemes to produce nonlinear optical single crystals with improved parameters for applications in the THz range. Finally, after getting the suitable nonlinear optical crystals for high power and widely tunable wavelength THz generation, we could study the ultrafast dynamics in some interesting materials such as high Tc superconductor, multiferroics manganites, magnetic semiconductors or semiconductor quantum dots et. al.. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC96-2923-M009-001-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88745 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1425342&docId=254689 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |