标题: CEO背景与企业社会责任-台湾与国际比较
An International Comparison of Ceo Characteristics and Corporate Social Performance
作者: 黄仕斌
Huang Shihping Kevin
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 在先前的研究中,对于影响企业社会责任(CSR)表现的探讨,多着重于企业的整体表 现,例如 CSR 与企业的财务表现,然而关于企业内部的管理者如何影响企业社会责任
表现,目前对于这部份的研究是较欠缺的。因此本研究的目的就是要针对这个部份, 探讨企业执行长的人口统计资料(demographic)与该企业的社会责任表现有何关条。本 研究以 2005 到 2010
年大型国际评比机构与台湾评比机构的评等结果为抽样依据,并 以回归模型做为主要的分析工其。变数方面,依据执行长的人口统计变数,选择以性 别、年龄、年资、教育水准与国籍等五大项作为自变数,而以 2005
到 2010 年国际与 台湾评价机构对于企业社会责任的评鉴结果做为因变数,并且同时以税前营业利益、 股东权益报酬率、员工人数等因子做为控制变数。企业社会责任是一重要课题,本研
究期望能找出更多影响台湾企业与跨国企业 CSR 表现的因子。
Previous studies have indicated that there is a literature void in our understanding of
managerial variables and CSR performance among firms. The purpose of this study is to fill in this
gap by examining the impact of CEO characteristics on firm’s CSR performance. The sample is based
on results from major international and local ranking agencies between 2005 and 2010. This study
uses regression analysis as the primary statistical technique. This study adopts five independent
variables—gender, age, tenure, educational specialization, and nationality—which are associated
with CEO demographic compositions. This study also applies the international and local rating
results between 2005 and 2010 from major CSR rating agencies as the dependent variable. This study
will include several control variables, such as operating profit before tax (OPBT), return on
equity (ROE), and number of employees. The results of this research should further our
understanding of firm’s micro level factors affecting its CSR performance from both international
and Taiwan perspectives.
官方说明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-031
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98334
显示于类别:Research Plans