Title: 以產品設計促進和諧夫妻關係
Promoting Agreeable Couple Relationships via Product Design
Authors: 王彥翔
Wang, Yen-Hsiang
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Keywords: 產品設計;互動;分享的使用者經驗;夫妻關係;合作式婚姻;product design;interaction;shared user experience;husband-wife relationship;cooperative marriage
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 在親密關係裡,性別差異所造成的各種認知差異與溝通不良是我們必經之路。當男女從婚前朦朧的距離走入婚後近距離的朝夕相處,若不試著去適應、尊重彼此,摩擦與衝突便伴隨著生活瑣事一再發生。 本研究創作者以改善兩性關係為出發點,試圖探討物品在夫妻關係中所能發揮的作用。本創作之目的為藉由操作物品來聯繫感情,並創造互動機會,進而期望能夠誘導使用者在互動過程中省思設計者欲傳達之兩性關係議題。另一方面,物品的價值除了功能外,也建立在設計者在設計過程中的立意。身為設計者應隨時關懷人、環境、文化等相關議題,並將所見所思灌注至作品當中;也唯有如此,設計師的價值才能夠真正發揮,物品本身也得以超越功能性,提供更深層的意義。 創作過程中,在蒐集相關資料後,統整歸納出較為普遍的兩性差異點,以及解決性別差異所帶來之衝突的建議,並將改善兩性關係之概念轉化成為實體物件。本創作中的每樣產品都代表男女相處中的一門課題,希望在使用產品的過程中漸漸學習並培養互相尊重的態度,以維持兩性關係的和諧。 本研究最後產出結果為:遙控器組、月曆、體重器與電話等四件產品,各分別代表了夫妻之間相處所需應對的不同課題:如何彼此尊重、如何以行動表現愛、如何包容差異之處並取得平衡,以及如何積極的傾聽對方。
In a male and female relationship, differences and miscommunications are caused by the unique ways in which each sex processes thoughts and forms opinions. Before committing to matrimony, one can easily maintain a private distance. After entering a marriage, the ideal situation is to have both partners cohabitate and learn to coexist while maintaining a level of harmony and peace. However, the reality is that couples often find themselves either in disharmonious conditions or engaged in petty arguments, therefore failing to learn to coexist peacefully. Improving relationships is the main focus in this project as I would like to explore the affection objects have in interpersonal connections. The project aims to connect couples’ emotions by allowing two people to interact with each other through engaging and using these objects. The interaction between the two subjects with the object is precisely how the designer of this project hopes couples will learn to coexist peacefully and harmoniously. As a designer, one should constantly be aware of the issues related to people, the environment, and culture, and then create meaningful products in accordance with his or her own perspective. Only when we do so can the designers’ value be fully appreciated, as the objects are transcended being merely tools, but have become a concrete connection between the user and the object. Relevant literatures were reviewed, organized, and analyzed during the process of finding a solution to deal with the common disparities between men and women by looking at the root of what causes these differences. The acquired information of improving relationships was then transformed into concrete objects. Each product in the project represents a lesson we have learned from the relationship. The purpose of this project is to maintain the harmony between men and women by discovering and cultivating a cooperative relationship during the process of using products. There are four objects carried out as the outcome of this project: remote controls set, calendar, scale and telephone, which stand for the lessons we need to learn when engaging in relationships with the opposite sex: how to respect each other, how to act for showing love, how to tolerate flaws of partner for a balanced relationship, as well as how to be an active listener.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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